Myth buster

Inks can only be used for watercolor techniques.

Myth: Inks can only be used for watercolor techniques


Our Acrylic Ink is brilliant for watercolor techniques but can be used for so much more. Make the most of its liquid consistency by mixing with some Airbrush Medium and using in an airbrush sprayer. Into pouring? It makes brilliant streams and pools of color. Use it for water marbling, splatter painting, in a pen for illustration and calligraphy, to stain, paint on glass (with Glass Medium), for glazing effects and washing over Masking Fluid. The options are endless.

Use the dropper, dip a brush or pour it out: Acrylic Ink is perfect to use straight from the bottle in any way you want. As our lowest viscosity color, its ultra-fluidity is ideal for fine and flowing applications – just add a pro medium to adjust it further. 55 colors include a choice of three opacities with metallics, aqua shades and fluorescents in the mix.

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