How to use String Gel

Color-rich, glossy strands. Add Acrylic Ink or Soft Body paints to create fine lines or thick ribbons. Here's a quick guide on what to do with String Gel.

Video Transcript

String Gel Techniques

0:06    String Gel - consistent flow.

0:12    Mix String Gel with Carbon Black Ink. Self-levelling. Create fine strands or thick lines. Increase transparency of color.

0:35    Mix String Gel with Soft body acrylic. Enhances depth of color & dries to a glossy sheen. The colors used here are Medium Magenta, Brilliant Purple, Light Blue Violet & Yellow Light Hanza.

String Gel
Carbon Black Ink
Soft Body Acrylic Paint
      Medium Magenta
      Brilliant Purple
      Light Blue Violet
      Yellow Light Hanza


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